Top 7 Travel Books to Read
Top 7 Travel Books to Read

Top 7 Travel Books to Read in 2021

Travel Books are the best travel guides. Apart from just knowing about the place you can learn from experiences, do’s and don’ts of travel and much more. Reading books takes you on a whole new journey even if you are not travelling. Below is the list of the top 7 travel books that you can read.

1. The Art of Travel by ALAIN DE BOTTON

The Art of Travel
The Art of Travel

This book has nine essays each showcasing travel as the man’s way of finding happiness but then outlining that travelling can’t offer comfortable and happy life, one’s basic psychological needs should be contented first. As we all find the idea of travelling as having pleasure and relaxing but after that life has its own realities. Therefore, reading this will motivate you to go back into the world and enjoy even the small things in your surroundings. He concludes it by saying travel is an ultimate gift, it elevates life by making people become humbler and responsive towards nature.


  • Genre:- Travel
  • Number of Pages:- 272
  • Author:- Alain de Botton
  • Price:- ₹ 999
  • Where to purchase:- Amazon, Flipkart and Target.


Written by one of the most engaging travel writers “Bill Bryson”. This book is an adventuresome read. Bill Bryson’s ethos of walking the Appalachian Trail is a marked hiking trail in the Eastern United States extending between Springer Mountain in Georgia and Mount Katahdin in Maine. Several misadventures, like roaming off the trail and getting lost for almost two days in rugged roads and dangerous brooks, made him believe that he is not ready for this part of the trail but the journey ended successfully. Such a long trail with all kinds of weather, mountains, trees, and wildlife proves to be challenging but it’s worth it. This book layout a good lesson for all human beings to test their abilities and witness the natural beauty.


  • Genre:- Nonfiction
  • Number of Pages:- 274
  • Author:- Bill Bryson
  • Price:- ₹ 269
  • Where to purchase:- Amazon, wordery, and target.

3. How to Travel the World on $10 a Day by WILL HATTON

If you are a travel bug then this book is your companion and will give you all the necessary knowledge required for travelling. It consists of all tips and tricks for travelling on a low budget. Will Hatton has been travelling since the age of 18 covering tens of thousands of kilometres. He also lived in India. Enjoy more time in low-budget countries, online research a lot for preventing tourist prices, try a lot of street food, set up camp to avoid accommodation costs, find a travel friend for splitting costs are some of the great things which made his low budget trip happen. His advice, skills, plans, earning online income, making friends, managing finances, and staying safe will be a resourceful guide for constant travelling.


  • Genre:- Travel
  • Number of Pages:- 250
  • Author:- Will Hatton
  • Price:- ₹ 971
  • Where to purchase:- Amazon, Flipkart, and eBay.

4. SHANTARAM” by Gregory David Roberts

Shantaram means Man of God’s Peace has got everything from action to mystery or romance to thrill and suspense. It’s 933 pages book. The main character Lin as a criminal sentenced to 19-year imprisonment in Australia arrives at Bombay escaping from prison in broad daylight. His full journey of surviving in the underworld of Bombay and falling for a Swiss-American woman named Karla has been narrated. Karls is a very beautiful, dangerous, and passionate character. One of the amusing books to read as it gives a picture of life in India.


  • Genre:- Fiction
  • Number of Pages:- 936
  • Author:- Gregory David Roberts
  • Price:- ₹ 390
  • Where to purchase:– Amazon, Flipkart, target, wordery, and eBay

5. The Travel Book: A Journey Through Every Country in the World

As the name suggests this book will give you a ride to different countries in the world. Published by the world’s leading travel publisher containing 850 coloured images and 230 countries. It gives a deep interpretation of different countries and tips to all types of travellers. Also proves to be one guidebook covering different countries, portraying the lifestyle, culture, wildlife facts, sports, cuisines, and uniqueness of various nations and what to learn from there. Might make your will to explore the world.


  • Genre:- Travel
  • Number of Pages:- 212
  • Author:- Lonely Planet Kids
  • Price:- ₹ 1,299
  • Where to purchase:– Amazon, target, wordery, and eBay.

6. The Alchemist by PAULO COHELO

The alchemist
The alchemist

A beautiful book comprising the story of an 18-year shepherd named Santiago of Spain. He dreamt of treasure being buried at the base of the pyramid and then his journey of finding it but after reaching the pyramids he discovers that the real treasure is where he dreamed that dream. All this journey of him in search of treasure teaches him about the world, God, and love. He discovers intense truth about himself, which changed his life. The book has got 96 pages. One of the inspiring quotes from the book is “To realize one’s destiny is a person’s real obligation.


  • Genre:- Quest
  • Number of Pages:- 208
  • Author:- PAULO COHELO
  • Price:- ₹ 221
  • Where to purchase:– Amazon, target, and Flipkart.

7. Mud, Sweat & Tears by BEAR GRYLLS

Mud Sweat and Tears
Mud Sweat and Tears

The Autobiography of Bear Grylls. He is a British adventurer, writer, businessman, and television presenter. He enjoyed doing adventurous things from an early age. His journey of climbing Mount Everest at such an early age and making the Guinness book of record as the youngest Briton to scale Mount Everest and various other mistakes and experiences of him has been narrated in this book.  This book gives a lesson of coming out of your comfort zone. As Bear Grylls pushed himself mentally and physically to his very limits. A very motivating and spirited book to read.


  • Genre:- Autobiography
  • Number of Pages:- 480
  • Author:- BEAR GRYLLS
  • Price:- ₹ 427
  • Where to purchase:– Amazon, Target, eBay, Wordery, and Flipkart.

These top 7 travel books will give you a new perspective about life and may you find something insightful for your next travel.

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About Khushi Sharma

A self-motivated economics student with high ambitions. Reliable with deadlines and dedicated to follow instructions. Exploring an environment that is conducive to learning.

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