IITFC Course Module-1
IITFC Course Module-1

IITFC Course: Module-1: Complete Course Structure

To give a detailed insight of the IITFC course, its curriculum is classified into seven modules. The course is available on iitf.gov.in, one can easily register themselves and complete this IITFC course. Incredible India Tourist Facilitator has opted for a unique way for teaching as the syllabus is based on Flash Player which means students neither can skip any slide nor can leave it unattended.

Only after completion of a unit, the assessment is unlocked which is compulsory in nature. Each unit consists of slides, and every slide comes with a next button that every candidate needs to click.

The self-paced learning platform is quite beneficial for students as they can prepare notes or can take screenshots. The notes will be fruitful for assessment and examination because questions are asked from the syllabus only. In this article, you will complete knowledge regarding Unit – 1 of the IITFC program.

Let’s Explore the World of Tourism

This is the first unit of the IITFC course which deals with the basics of the Tourism Industry, why tourists visit India along with fundamentals of Tourist facilitators. The objective behind unit 1 is to make candidates aware of rich tourism potential and facilitate tourists on their visit.

This module 1 has been divided into 4 units, namely-

Unit 1 – Understanding Tourism

This unit aims to familiarize students with fundamental concepts of tourism. The first unit consists of 8 slides having sub slides too in it. It would take around 15-20 minutes to go through all the slides. But if you are making notes then it would take a bit longer than usual. Unit wise syllabus of module one –

1. Introduction to the Course- Students will find this slide in starting of every unit. It will give highlights of the whole unit and give a glimpse of slides.

  • Intro
  • Course Navigation
  • Unit Objectives

2. Basic Concepts of Tourism- The unit deals with fundamental terms used in the tourism industry and makes students familiar with the industry.

  • What is Tourism?
  • Purpose of Tourism
  • Leisure
  • Business
  • Visiting Friends and relatives
  • Education
  • Medical and Wellness
  • Pilgrimage

3. Basic Features of Tourist- Tourism is something which is quite sorted for someone or maybe complicated for others. So in this slide, the term tourist is explained.

  • Examples of Who is a Tourist
  • Example of Who is not a Tourist
  • Who is a tourist?
  • Classification of a tourist

4. Basic Process of Tourism- Tourism, an intangible product is something that doesn’t take place suddenly. A long process is involved behind it. So this unit deals with it.

  • Tourism Process
  • Pre-Tour
  • On-Tour
  • Post-Tour
  • Activity1

5. Eight Key Actors of Tourism- Tourism activity affects various stakeholders either directly or indirectly and these are the sectors that have a direct influence on the tourism industry. So this unit covers the main performers of the industry.

  • Key Actors Tourism
  • Government
  • Tourism Business
  • Educational Institutions
  • Tourism Trade Associations
  • Travel Trade Media
  • Human Resource
  • Host Population
  • Others
  • Quiz 1
  • Quiz 2

6. Key Benefit of Tourism- A huge mileage is derived from tourism and related activities which acts as an engine of economic growth. This unit gives insight into sources and utilization of benefits from the industry.

  • Benefits of Tourism

7. Counter Effects of Tourism- Country derive benefits from tourism as well as tourism also generates profit from the country. They are the two faces of a coin and this slide deals with the same.

  • Counter Effects of Tourism

8. Conclusion- At the end, the gist of the overall unit is presented by an experienced faculty of the Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (IITTM).

  • Unit Summary

And after completion of this unit, one would be able to-

  • Explain the term Tourism and its various attributes
  • Identify different types of tourists
  • Explain the key steps involved in the process of tourism
  • Key actors of tourism
  • List down the various benefits and counter effects of tourism.

Unit – 2 Why Tourists Visit India (Part 1)

The unit second of the first module deals in describing reasons why a tourist should visit India. It also elaborates on the rich tourism potential of the country. There is a total of 10 slides in the unit which will approximately take 40-45 minutes to go through it. One of the crucial units in the IITFC course

1. Introduction to the Course- This is the first slide of unit two which give an introduction and a brief gist.

  • Introduction to the Course
  • Course Navigation
  • Unit Objectives

2. Why people travel- There are several factors that induce an individual to visit a place. And this section of module one discusses the same.

  • Why People Travel
  • Why tourists travel to India?
  • Why tourists travel to India?

3. Travel Experiences- India is the only destination in the world that offers an incredible experience to tourists. So this slide covers various travel experiences offered by India.

  • Experiences Offered by India
  • Experiences Offered by India

4. Heritage- This section wholly rests on the heritage flavour given by India.

  • Heritage – Ancient History Comes Alive Here
  • Fort & Palaces – The Royal Architecture of India
  • Fort & Palaces – The Royal Architecture of India
  • Fort & Palaces – The Royal Architecture of India (Contd..)
  • Architectural Marvels
  • Architectural Marvels (Contd..)
  • Museums
  • Which of the following contribute towards heritage of India?

5. Spiritual- This section wholly rest on the Spiritual flavour given by India.

  • Spiritual – celebration of Diverse beliefs
  • Quiz

6. Nature & Wildlife – This section wholly rest on Nature and Wildlife flavour given by India.

  • Quiz

7. Adventure- This section wholly rests on the Adventure flavour given by India.

  • Adventure GET AN ADRENALINE RUSH (Contd..)
  • Adventure on Land
  • Adventure on Land (Contd.)
  • Adventure in/on Water
  • Adventure in/on Water (contd..)
  • Adventure in Sky
  • Adventure in Sky (Contd.)
  • Quiz

8. Yoga & Wellness – This section wholly rests on Yoga & Wellness opportunities given by India.

  • Yoga & Wellness – REJUVENATE YOUR SOUL
  • Yoga & Wellness – REJUVENATE YOUR SOUL (Contd.)
  • Quiz

9. Activity 1

  • Activity 1

10. Travel Experiences Offered by India- Incredibleness of the country is unmatched, which is covered in this unit.

  • Experiences Offered by India.

On completion of this unit, you will be able to understand the following-

  • The different reason why people travel
  • Appreciate the Incredibleness of India as a tourism destination
  • List down the different type of tourism and experience offered to tourists in India
  • Identify the famous tourist destinations in India.

Unit – 3 Why Tourists Visit India (Part – 2)

This unit is a continuation of unit 2 and covers the leftover topics of it. There is no assessment test in unit 3. Around 30 minutes has to be spent covering a total of 6 slides.

1. Introduction to the Course – This is the continuation of unit two where travel experiences offered by India was discussed.

  • Introduction to the Course
  • Course Navigation

2. Experience offered by India- Incredibleness of the country is unmatched, which is covered in this unit.

  • Experiences Offered by India

3. Art and Culture- This section wholly rests on Art & Culture flavour given by India.

  • Art & Culture (Contd..)
  • Quiz

4. Food and Cuisines- This section wholly rests on authentic food taste given by India.

  • Food & Cuisine – THE FLAVOURS OF INDIA
  • Food & Cuisine – THE FLAVOURS OF INDIA (contd..)
  • Quiz

5. Luxury- This section wholly rests on the luxurious flavour given by India.

  • Luxury- BE A PART OF ROYALTY (Contd..)
  • Quiz

6. Business Travel (MICE)‐ This section wholly rest on Meeting,  Incentive, Conferences, Exhibition activities offered by India.

  • Business Travel – (MICE)
  • Business Travel – (MICE) – (Contd.)
  • Quiz

7. Activity 1

  • Activity 1

8. Activity 2

  • Activity 2

9. Summary- At the end, the gist of the overall unit is presented by an experienced faculty of the Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (IITTM).

  • Summary

Unit – 4 Tourist Facilitator

Last unit of module-1

1. Introduction to Tourism

  • Introduction to the Course
  • Course Navigation
  • Unit Objectives

2. Need of a Tourist Facilitator- Why there is a need for tourist facilitators are there in the field of tourism is explained in this unit.

  • Concerns of the Tourist
  • Expectations of the Tourist

3. Tourist Facilitator-  Major questions regarding need, role, responsibilities, ethics are answered in this slide and the tourist facilitator is explained thoroughly.

  • Importance of a Tourist Facilitator
  • Roles & Responsibilities of a Tourist Facilitator

4. Skills Required to be a Good Tourist Facilitator- In this slide, various necessary traits and skills needed to be a sound tourist facilitator are listed down.

  • Can you become a Tour Facilitator?
  • How to Acquire these Qualities
  • What Skills are Required to be a Tourist Facilitator

5. Key Notes to Become a Tourist Facilitator- Along with the fulfilment of required responsibilities a facilitator is also expected to follow some ethical practices to make tourists comfortable and make their visit memorable. This unit deals with certain common ethical principles.

  • Ethics of a Tourist Facilitator
  • Good Tourist Facilitator / Bad Tourist Facilitator
  • Advice of an experienced tourist guide to the new tourist facilitators
  • Why Being a Tourist Facilitator is the Best Job
  • How a Tourist can Approach You
  • Quiz 1
  • Quiz 2
  • Quiz 3

6. Conclusion

Unit Summary- At the end, the gist of the overall unit is presented by an experienced faculty of the Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (IITTM).

Once after completion of this unit students will be able to answer –

  • Identify the need of tourist facilitator
  • Define who is a tourist Facilitator
  • List down the qualities of a tourist facilitator
  • Identify the role and responsibilities of a tourist facilitator
  • List down the skills required to be a good tourist facilitator
  • Imbibe the ethics to be followed by a tourist facilitator

That’s all you will find in the first module. A generous suggestion for students is this, that you should give an in-unit assessment just after completing the unit. Because you’ll remember the facts and can give answers easily. And here you are also suggested to prepare the notes which will help you at the course end examination.

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About Utkarsh Upadhyay

Learning something new everyday !!

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